Practically, everyone who loves playing the action-filled games would want to play the DayZ game for once. The standalone edition can be equally intimidating. If you are starting for the first time, you should be wary of the challenges you are going to encounter while playing this game. We have compiled some essential tips, which should be of immense help. We have classified the tips into different sections namely general, health and navigation. First make a reserach on game servers then buy Teamspeak 3 servers.

So, let us begin.
The General Category
Remember to use Tab which is going to show your inventory.
Sometimes, it may happen, you are unable to locate a server. In this case, click on the “internet tab”, sometimes by default it becomes LAN.
You can change the way you view the clouds. Ideally, you should replace them to a very high resolution. This will help you to improve your night vision.
At any point in time, you can use the number keys which will help you to show your weapons.
When you are trying to loot, things keep your eyes open. In many occasions, some items are not correctly visible.
When you spawn, your ideal location should be the land. If you end up landing on the coast, you will invite problems.
The Health Category
You need to take several measures to stay in the optimum health. Remember not to consume rotten fruits and unclean water. Similarly, put on adequate clothes depending on the weather. In the off chance you inflict wounds, try to cleanse them with alcohol.
You will have to travel a lot while playing this game. Quite naturally, you will be tired. For this, you should always take plenty of water and consume eatables.
There will be situations when your head will feel dizzy. Take plenty of water to overcome the problem.
You can remove your shirt and tear off a rag to bandage your wounds. But remember, this will not work if your clothes are wet.

The Navigation Category
Unless you have the proper gears, you will not be able to navigate in the woods properly. Additionally, there are many other things of which you should take into account.
You will need bearings. Just follow the direction of the sun to get them.
In this game, the wind will always blow towards the east. You can quickly locate this by keeping an eye on the cloud movements.
While wandering through the cities and towns, watch out for road signs. If you feel lost, these road signs are going to help you relocate.
Hopefully, the tips mentioned here will help you to perform well when you are playing the DayZ game. For more information be sure to check out the other online resources.